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Hello, I'm Lisbeth Suarez

Through our unique equine and nature involved process I strive to render services that empower our customers to reach their highest potential. In today’s fast paced environment many of us have to battle burn-out, stress, unhappiness. I work with Individuals and Groups from all walks of life. Our sessions create mindfulness, provide time to decompress, reconnect, relieve burnout, and align goals with actions.

My Story

Throughout my life, I have had the privilege to interact with horses. At the age of 5, my father passed away, and my mother remarried an individual who owned horses. Very quickly, I grew fond of them and developed a close relationship to what we fondly referred to as our “herd.”

At the age of 15, I relocated to America and suddenly found myself on my own. At that young age, by myself in this country, I came to understand the meaning of hard work, dedication, and passion. I worked 24/7. There were no days off. 

One of my side jobs was facilitating trail rides. While I already carried a deep love for horses, I quickly found a way to make them a daily part of my life. It was during that time; one horse in particular changed my life forever. 

I found ‘Gallego’ in a bad state. He was a former Champion, but now found himself with very little chance of survival. His current owner was incapable of caring for him. It was at that time that Gallego found ME. I was a young, scared 15-year-old, who was also in needed of some special care and love. Gallego and I began to develop a beautiful relationship. Through my caretaking efforts, we both healed, built trust, and learned a lot about each other. 

Thankfully, Gallego healed beautifully and had a chance again at competing. He started to make a name for himself, and very rapidly after that, I was getting offers for him. As hard as it was, I made the difficult decision to sell him to a new owner, as it was in his best interest to have all he needed to continue his path of growth and competition. 

The funds I gained from selling Gallego became the down payment for my first house. I will always be indebted to him. Not only did help heal me, but he also gave me a chance at survival in this country.  

After saying goodbye to Gallego, I decided to take a break from my caretaking responsibilities. I decided if I wanted to succeed in this country, I need an education. Ultimately, I acquired my bachelor’s degree in Business and Finance, and was hired as a Financial Analyst for a major corporation a year before I graduated.

As I pursued education and success, I continued to climb the corporate ladder and quickly developed a love and passion for teaching, developing, and leading others. I knew God placed me there for a reason. He allowed me to support others. He gave me unique tools not only to guide my teammates professionally but assist in leading them spiritually and personally. Over the years, I have certainly learned to appreciate those opportunities. Watching my teammates succeed, find their passion, and assist in developing the future generation of leaders, empowered me every day and allowed me to find a new purpose. 

There was no denying my heart and soul were always with my horses. I wanted to see them. I longed to be with them again. I dreamed of having a farm and knew that one day I would do it. However, climbing a corporate ladder came at a cost, managing a team responsible for over $200 million dollars required the sacrifice of working endless days. At times, there were many sleepless nights and I found myself on the verge of complete burn-out. Exhausted from the many hours required of me, the constant barrage of work coming my way, I was stuck in a vicious cycle, but feeling powerless to do anything about it.

In 2020, after working non-stop for weeks without a break, I had a personal injury accident that led to a torn tendon. In my mind, this seemed like an easy repair. Six months later, I found that not to be the case. From my injury, I developed a neurological disease that created non-stop pain throughout my body. Day and night, sleep or awake, I endured pain. No cure and no help. There appeared to be no relief. I entered a very dark place in my life, which practically forced me to take a break from work. I began to research for a cure that could help me. 

During that time, I tried multiple experimental treatments. I took stock of my life. I began looking back to what tools and resources I used in the past to help heal me years ago. Horses! I wasn’t exactly sure how this was going to work, but I decided to lease a horse. 

I quickly realized that the simple act of being present with my equine friend caused me to smile, my heart began to feel happiness, and my emotional pain started to fade away. Being with this beautiful animal, provided me peace, reminded me that I was loved, that there was no judgment. This horse became my soulmate on this very difficult journey. She picked me up when I thought I could no longer go on. She lit a fire inside of me. 

During my search for happiness and healing, my feelings and emotions led me to question, “What do I really want from life?  What would really make me happy?” This is how Nature’s Escape was born. A combination of passion and purpose! A place where I get to do what I love the most, helping others who belong to corporations and institutions align their goals with actions, battle burn-out, improve productivity, all facilitated through a partnership with horses.  My passion - horses and finding purpose, leading, and developing others. These goals are combined with workshops that will create an unbelievably positive dent in someone’s life.  


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

CALL US: (863) 242-1967

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